Grading will take place on 26th September at the Sports Arena (Level 3). Forms will be uploaded on Facebook soon, and this post will be edited once the link is up.
Some information to take note:
1. Grading is not compulsory. You can choose to sit out of this grading if you don't feel ready, but you won't get a belt promotion for that grading.
2. Eligibility for grading is based off attendance and skill. If the senseis do not feel that you are ready, they will let you know. Also, even if your attendance is short by a few and you feel that you can take and pass grading, feel free to discuss with a sensei. If they agree that you are capable in terms of skill, they will allow you to attend grading.
3. Ashi warm up, static warm up, sword warm up, ki-ai, kihon (solo, partner, moving, guard positions, movements) and sparring will be graded.
4. Grading fees vary based on the syllabus being graded for. More updates on this when the forms are up.
(for juniors) 5. After grading, you will get a belt promotion if you pass. For entry level, that means you will be promoted to red belt (intermediate), and will be required to get the gi and bokken. More info on this after grading results are out.
6. Mock grading sequence will most probably be taught during one of the trainings near grading period.
Webmaster 2014-2015
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Grading Reminder!
Grading is in 2 weeks time, so that means next week will be the
training before grading! Juniors, you might have heard about grading but
don’t really know how it goes. It’s okay, we all start learning from
Before grading, the most important things would be firstly interest in grading. Grading is NOT COMPULSORY but of course is encouraged unless you would like to stay at a certain belt colour for a long time. Since grading is also charged separately ( about 70+ dollars), some might prefer to save the money and go for grading 3 months later.
Second. If you are interested, you need to have adequate attendance. I am not really sure about the exact number, but a rough estimate is 12. If you have been going for all trainings, you don’t need to worry. If let’s say unfortunately you do not meet the attendance requirements, your attendance from the 3 months before the grading will be taken into account for the next grading. So let’s say requirement is 12, and you only have let’s say, 9 trainings. You are unable to go for grading. The following 3 months you attended another 9 trainings. So it’s 9+9 = 18 trainings, you qualify for the next grading!
Do note that if you have successfully completed and have been promoted after a grading, your previous attendance will not be counted. So let’s say you have 12 attendance, you go for grading, you will start at zero attendance at the start of the next 3 months.
Remember, 12 is not the exact. And I am not sure about what the exact is now.
Third would definitely be skill. Of course you don’t need to be like Rurouni Kenshin or 48 Ronins during sparring to enter grading. If you have put in effort to properly execute your syllabus’ cuts, and have adequately proper footwork, you can join in for grading. If you are seen to be not ready enough for grading, your senseis will tell you, but of course, they are not gonna bar you from grading unless you don’t meet the attendance requirement of course.
During grading, for entry level (without gi), your cuts, footwork, partner kihon, moving kihon, WARM UP, sparring, KI AI and various other stuff will be taken into account by the examiners. Even small things like bowing or FIDGETING while in attention can affect as well.. Oh and see how warm up is in caps? Yes you are graded in warm ups, and expected to know the warm up sequence. If you do not know all of a sudden, DO NOT turn to your partner and ask, or there goes a few points. I will do another post on the warm up sequence later.
Since Kiai will be taken into account as well, are you finally encouraged to kiai~? Since there are several advantages to kiai, it is considered important. So kiai loudly, but don’t scream, just use the air from your diaphragm. If you have a soft voice, just put in effort and try to kiai. Better than not doing it at all right?
Next week will probably be mock grading, and the procedure will be explained by the senseis before mock grading. No need to panic during mock grading, if you do anything wrong, just take it as a learning point!
Webmaster 2014
Before grading, the most important things would be firstly interest in grading. Grading is NOT COMPULSORY but of course is encouraged unless you would like to stay at a certain belt colour for a long time. Since grading is also charged separately ( about 70+ dollars), some might prefer to save the money and go for grading 3 months later.
Second. If you are interested, you need to have adequate attendance. I am not really sure about the exact number, but a rough estimate is 12. If you have been going for all trainings, you don’t need to worry. If let’s say unfortunately you do not meet the attendance requirements, your attendance from the 3 months before the grading will be taken into account for the next grading. So let’s say requirement is 12, and you only have let’s say, 9 trainings. You are unable to go for grading. The following 3 months you attended another 9 trainings. So it’s 9+9 = 18 trainings, you qualify for the next grading!
Do note that if you have successfully completed and have been promoted after a grading, your previous attendance will not be counted. So let’s say you have 12 attendance, you go for grading, you will start at zero attendance at the start of the next 3 months.
Remember, 12 is not the exact. And I am not sure about what the exact is now.
Third would definitely be skill. Of course you don’t need to be like Rurouni Kenshin or 48 Ronins during sparring to enter grading. If you have put in effort to properly execute your syllabus’ cuts, and have adequately proper footwork, you can join in for grading. If you are seen to be not ready enough for grading, your senseis will tell you, but of course, they are not gonna bar you from grading unless you don’t meet the attendance requirement of course.
During grading, for entry level (without gi), your cuts, footwork, partner kihon, moving kihon, WARM UP, sparring, KI AI and various other stuff will be taken into account by the examiners. Even small things like bowing or FIDGETING while in attention can affect as well.. Oh and see how warm up is in caps? Yes you are graded in warm ups, and expected to know the warm up sequence. If you do not know all of a sudden, DO NOT turn to your partner and ask, or there goes a few points. I will do another post on the warm up sequence later.
Since Kiai will be taken into account as well, are you finally encouraged to kiai~? Since there are several advantages to kiai, it is considered important. So kiai loudly, but don’t scream, just use the air from your diaphragm. If you have a soft voice, just put in effort and try to kiai. Better than not doing it at all right?
Next week will probably be mock grading, and the procedure will be explained by the senseis before mock grading. No need to panic during mock grading, if you do anything wrong, just take it as a learning point!
Webmaster 2014
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Freshies of 2014!!

Freshmen trials 2014
Well that took a while…… Well I don’t know why our Webmaster didnt see my message but heck… I’m back. Jeryl the doppelganger is taking over for a while. Its been a while since we finished our latest tryouts for our new batch of promising freshies. So what happen?
For those who didn’t come, it was another day of fun, joy and laughter… Well ain’t it the same as before? Anyway getting back on track, the day start of with briefing of seniors meaning our red-belts are now part of it too. Well after the briefing, its time to prepare the area to welcome the freshies who has been coming in one by one.
Of course next was the warm-up and after that everyone was separate into two groups, one group which would focus on learning cuts and the other would be playing a game in which they have to tag their seniors 5 times on the back while avoiding attacks from them. Of course to be fair, there is only 4-5 seniors responsible for the attacks. Also to avoid casualty, everyone was wearing helmets just in case.
Around 1 hr later, the freshman groups swapped places going through the activities that the other group have done earlier. As usual seniors involved either ensure safety or that they learn properly…
After that, everyone went for a water break and then separate into the same groups again now getting ready for the next activity using what they learn from the game and lesson for 3 vs 3 survival duel. Whereby whichever team that still have participants in the end wins. It was chaos in some sense but the group that start off with game wins.
Well all in all, all’s well that end’s well. The day ended with only one person skinning his feet but no one was injured badly which was pretty good.
Oh right… do take note next week on 24 May 2014, there is Grading. For those who is eligible, do take note to check Facebook for the forms. For those who didn’t make it, you can turn up to look how it goes again just in case you forget how it goes again…
Oh right, for those who weren’t able to see our demo the other time, click below to go to the youtube page of the video
Jeryl (Jet)
The Doppleganger
2013 Design Head.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Club tees + demo~
Just a short reminder to those who have not ordered their club tees
yet, please place your orders with Jun Hui. The material should probably
be dry-fit, so try not to order a size that is toooooooo bigggg. It
should cost about $10+.
The SPKC demo for SP CCA Open House 2014 would be on the 30th of April, 11.40am-12pm. Please do pop by and support us if you are at an area near T11 square! Thanks!
Jiejing (JJ)
2014 Webmaster
The SPKC demo for SP CCA Open House 2014 would be on the 30th of April, 11.40am-12pm. Please do pop by and support us if you are at an area near T11 square! Thanks!
Jiejing (JJ)
2014 Webmaster
Importance of ki-ai!
After belt promotion, we would learn new kihon, new defenses, etc.
But fundamentals never changes, and will continue to remain important
even as we proceed on to higher belt levels, one of it being ki-ai.
Ki-ai might seem like just a shout to accompany the cuts, but it is more than that. Ki-ai helps to regulate breathing, so you don’t end up breathless after doing a series of cuts. Of course… I don’t think irregular breathing is good for the heart and lungs either.
In sparring, a loud and especially sudden ki-ai along with a strike can startle the opponent by having a killing intent, leaving an opening to strike. Much advantage, many wow.
So how did we go about training our ki-ai on the 5th of April? Sensei Val instructed us to do crunches during warm-ups. Other than to prevent yourself from having a “family pack” at your tummy, crunches can train up the core muscles. This can help us maintain our stance and allow us to have better stamina. Training the core muscles can also help in ki-ai.
After the warm-up, we had our first exercise. We were to pair up, and one of us will face our back towards the other. The one who is facing the opponent’s back would take a step forward and ki-ai. The opponent that is not doing the ki-ai have to try not to flinch. The next difficulty would be for the opponent whose back is facing the person doing the ki-ai to turn around once the ki-ai is heard, as fast as possible. This is to train alertness and area awareness, which should be useful in competition sparring as there would be a limited area for the sparring.
Nevertheless, ki-ai has an array of advantages and uses, although it might take some time to get used to it. Practice makes better.
Jiejing (JJ)
2014 Webmaster o.o
Ki-ai might seem like just a shout to accompany the cuts, but it is more than that. Ki-ai helps to regulate breathing, so you don’t end up breathless after doing a series of cuts. Of course… I don’t think irregular breathing is good for the heart and lungs either.
In sparring, a loud and especially sudden ki-ai along with a strike can startle the opponent by having a killing intent, leaving an opening to strike. Much advantage, many wow.
So how did we go about training our ki-ai on the 5th of April? Sensei Val instructed us to do crunches during warm-ups. Other than to prevent yourself from having a “family pack” at your tummy, crunches can train up the core muscles. This can help us maintain our stance and allow us to have better stamina. Training the core muscles can also help in ki-ai.
After the warm-up, we had our first exercise. We were to pair up, and one of us will face our back towards the other. The one who is facing the opponent’s back would take a step forward and ki-ai. The opponent that is not doing the ki-ai have to try not to flinch. The next difficulty would be for the opponent whose back is facing the person doing the ki-ai to turn around once the ki-ai is heard, as fast as possible. This is to train alertness and area awareness, which should be useful in competition sparring as there would be a limited area for the sparring.
Nevertheless, ki-ai has an array of advantages and uses, although it might take some time to get used to it. Practice makes better.
Jiejing (JJ)
2014 Webmaster o.o
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Training before exams~
The “webmaster who has to prepare for CNY” is finally here to post for the very very very very very very first time o.o
Sooo… Today’s training was a combined training, both seniors and juniors training together because there was not much people who attended training today. Since I have such trashy stamina, I was already dead tired and panting halfway through training.
After the serious training, next was King of the Hill~
Juniors were split into 2 rows, and seniors into 2 rows as well. If the “King” isn’t out by two strikes in 30 seconds, both “King” and attacker has to do 10 push ups o.o And well, I think I have grown a bit of biceps after the game (please don’t imagine me with biceps thanks) ==
Since CNY is over… final exams are coming T.T
As such, there will be NO, I repeat, no training on the 22nd of February AND 1st of March 2014. So make use of the time to study, and study some more. Oh, and don’t forget to practice a bit at home so you won’t get rusty when you come back for training! New red-belts please remember to get your equipment (gi + bouken + etc) by the first training of March, which is on the 8th of March!
Jiejing (JJ)
2014 Webmaster
Sooo… Today’s training was a combined training, both seniors and juniors training together because there was not much people who attended training today. Since I have such trashy stamina, I was already dead tired and panting halfway through training.
After the serious training, next was King of the Hill~
Juniors were split into 2 rows, and seniors into 2 rows as well. If the “King” isn’t out by two strikes in 30 seconds, both “King” and attacker has to do 10 push ups o.o And well, I think I have grown a bit of biceps after the game (please don’t imagine me with biceps thanks) ==
Since CNY is over… final exams are coming T.T
As such, there will be NO, I repeat, no training on the 22nd of February AND 1st of March 2014. So make use of the time to study, and study some more. Oh, and don’t forget to practice a bit at home so you won’t get rusty when you come back for training! New red-belts please remember to get your equipment (gi + bouken + etc) by the first training of March, which is on the 8th of March!
Jiejing (JJ)
2014 Webmaster
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