Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Your New Committee Members

President - Marcus Sim Xin Wei
Vice President - Tan Fei Fan & Yap Jun Liang
Treasurer - Tan Ying Zhi
Secretary - Xavier Hoong
Social and Welfare - Jodie Pek Suak Ting & Timonthy Lim Jing Zhi
Project Coordinators - Sum Zong Wei & Ebernezer Sng Jian Ye
Quartermasters - Leon Lim Jin Hong & Tan Jian Hong
Webmaster - Ezan Ezamin Bin Zaidi
PT in-charge - Nicholas Wong Koon Kim
Design Team - Afiq Daniel Sham, Hsieh Yih Yang & Tan Hiok Ann
Photographers - Andy Yeo Chia Guan, Berenice Choong Si Ying, Jacqueline Chua & Wong Xue Ping

Compiled by
Tan Yu Fang :D

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Taking care of your equipment

Hi everyone!

Announcements: Extra training is on this Wednesday (21/12/11), 10am-12noon at the martial arts hall.

The juniors will be getting/already gotten all their equipments and gi so I've decided to write what I know here about taking care of your equipment and stuff (cos I'm bored).

Leave it in the plastic tube if you can to prevent it from bending. Sun your choken occasionally or else it'll smell cos of all the sweat.

Preferably no direct sunlight if you intend to sun it, the outer layer might crack. Wipe it after you use it.

Remove the black tag found at the bottom of the top. Soak it in bleach for a few hours once every 1-2 months if you want your gi to be sparkly white (but since all of your gi are new you guys can ignore this for now). Wash your gi early, the top takes a lot more time to dry than normal clothes. Fold your gi pants and sleeves during training if you find it too long unless you want to fall down. P.S. Your gi will shrink over time.

Remove the logo. Soak your new belt in warm/hot water for a few hours/half a day to soften it. Do NOT mix with other clothings unless you want to try and dye your clothes. Add a bit of white vinegar to prevent the colour from 'running'. Paste the gold ribbon at the tip of your belt (about 2 fingers spacing, or 3 for my case -.-). After tying your belt, the gold tip should be on your right.

Nothing for bokken yet. XD

Learn how to tie your belts and helmet bag from any of the seniors and practise at home. Do some markings on your equipment to prevent mixing up, you wouldn't want to use someone else's helmet would you? If you intend to practise at home, make sure you have LOTS of space around and above you. *coughs* quite a few cases of people smashing/breaking things *coughs*

That's all that I have for now. ^^/

Tan Yu Fang
Social & Welfare

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bokken training for Seniors

We have finally reached to the level we use our bokken for solo kihon and partner kihon and of course Moving kihon as well.

I guess for some of us it is like using the choken for the first time, we are scared of our bokken of getting damaged. Although I only know one person in my batch who is like that. This is actually very bad because you will hesistate to get your bokken hit. This means that your attacks will be slow and you are trying to minimise the damage on your bokken. Therefore, you will not strike hard and you will not block or defend properly either. This is very bad for you. So please please do not think about your bokken being scratched. In a real fight your expensive sword wll also be risk on being hit. So we have to start now.

Remember to keep your balance.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Second time using the choken. Sorry to say but all of you still make fatal mistakes.
One very important one though is your stance! I believe most of still do not have the correct footing. All of you are suppose to have at least good balance after training with the kodachi for so long. I am not saying that your stance have to be really perfect but at least maintain your balance. Some of you still have one foot behind the other. That is definitely wrong! One of you alomost fall but injured your knee when regaining balance. Knowing that you were about to fall shows that your balance is not good which means your footing is wrong! It is probably right at the start but as you continue sparring your footing becomes wrong. Always remember your footing. I am not asking you to look at your feet all the time but try to remember to have the correct stance while sparring. This is the most basic so please work on this.

Second thing you need to improve on for some of you is your grip. Some of you have very weird way of holding your sword. Some of you are using stick grip for your master hand. This is all very wrong and I believe the seniors have told you about it during your training. I believe some of you realise that your range is very short because of your grip. So please please work on your grip also. It is kind of different from the kodachi as you have to work on both hands instead of one.

And do not forget your ki-ai also. Very important.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


As you all know we had problems during the last training. I will not say what it is. And our master gave us a good and meaningful lecture. I believe you people learn a lot from it. We should also learn from that. As how our seniors, the alumni, have done before we should do the same. They struggled hard as you all were told and fought for the club, not physically fight though. As you all experienced, the problem we had was quite a major problem. We were giving in to them but I believe that is not going to happen anymore. The next time an issue rises, we fight for it. Just like our seniors, we do what we must. Not without thinking though. We do it with the intelligence that is gifted to us. Let me remind you a few things about what our master said. Once we give in to a person's demand, the person will keep trying again. In other words, if you are weak they will take advantage of you. It is like someone trying to step on a puddle of water that belongs to you. They will try slowly with one feet. If they succeed, they will put in the other feet. But if you were to speak up and say to the person when he was trying to put in his feet, he will walk away. And I said "say to the person", meaning saying firmly but try not to be rude. In other words, in an intelligent way. Not shout or hit the person with anything that is in your hands. Sorry if my example does not explain much but I believe you get the idea.

In a fight, do not get pushed back by your opponent. We teach you this in sparring.
Let's hope we can do better next time. ^^

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A few words about the competition

Can you see the face? Yes, the serious faces. This shows how serious the participant is during the match. I believe all of us were as serious or even more during the competition. I believe some of us trained very hard for this competition. We all came in with the mindset to win. As we enter the area of play, we feel nervous as we are afraid that we might lose.
After the match starts, we fight seriously with all our might trying to get a hit on the opponent. Some of us got it, some of us did not. It might be an unfortunate thing to some of you. Especially those that got disqualified. It is kind of sad when you realise you will not be able to fight with other people. I got disqualified too so I know how it feels. I felt terrible at first but I got better soon as I realise I clashed with someone who is pretty skilled in the art and so it was not so bad. As for those who lost, do not think it as you are not good in the art. Honestly, I do not think there is one person that is way better than the other in the same level(same belt). I believe it is just that you let your guard down for a split second, and that is when your opponent was able to hit you. I saw that happened during the competition. It is usually in that split second window when someone got hit.
Anyway, relating back to the picture. I know how it feels to lose even though you know you put in a lot of effort but do not feel so bad about it. Even in life experiences, I believe we all had times when we fall even though we tried so hard to accomplish something. We feel so frustrated when that happens but after that we learn to handle it and accept it. I am not saying that you can lose everytime and just accept it. Instead, take this loss as a learning point. Think back and try to remember what was the mistake you did that made you let your guard down. From there, learn and try to improve it! And if you feel that you did not get the chance to spar with a lot of people, You can always do it during normal training! This time, put on the serious mood like you did on competition. This will force your opponent to be serious too. This way you will definitely improve and of course try again next year! So do not feel bad about not winning okay?

Here are some more pictures!

Too close? Definitely.

Remember, distance!

And here are photos of the groups!

See you all on grading! ^^

Details of the competition

You have known the winners of the competition, now I am going to tell you how it is possible with the help of our members and the people around us. Without them, there will be no competition.
Also, I am going to tell you other details about the competition.

Let us start with the banner! This banner was made by the design team of SP Kenjutsu club. They consist of three people who are Brad, Hiok Ann and Yih Yang (Sorry if I missed out anyone). Let me show you the banner which they break so much sweat and cracking their brains thinking up of the cool and awesome design. Producing it is not easy either, a lot of hardwork is needed.

If you realise, it has the Halloween theme. This is because the competition wsa held very close to Halloween so our design team came up with this banner, having the element of Samurai and Halloween. Cool eh?

Other than the design team, there are of course other people working behind-the-scenes making this competition a success. Even on the day itself, the bunch of people are still doing their job to maintain the competition and make sure it is organised and goes on smoothly. Thanks to these people, we are able to enjoy the day and had lots of fun. Let us all tell them how much we appreciate their hard work and made it a great day! ^^

These are some pictures of the people working behind the desks during the competition. They ensure that the competition is well organised.

We also have a chart which to me is pretty well made, it is used to see who will fight who in the match. The selection is random, on of our organisers used an iPhone app I believe to randomise the positions the participants are placed at.

Here is a picture of our medal and trophies.

I forgot to mention that the medals are also design by our design team! The same people that created the banner. As for the trophies, they come from NihontoDo. You can see their logo on it.

Now let us see some pictures of the matches we had.

Before the match, we bow to show our respects. First to the area of play and then to the opponent. Can you see who is going to hit who in the second picture?

Check out the next two photos.

See how the Choken bend even before it hits the opponent. This shows how fast the arm moves and I actually find the picture pretty cool. Don't you think so? In the first picture, you can see how straight the Choken is and it is pretty firm. Seeing this reminds me, remember to take good care of your equipment. Especially those who are getting a new one.

I forgot to mention, we had a war game after the competition. It has been so long since we had one. Need to have more games like this.
Free-form fighting is still the best, you can use anything in any style you want. Of course it is not possible with the real sword. Too heavy. >< Can you spot me?

That is it for this post. Train hard for the upcoming grading! Good luck to everyone! Cheers!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Winners of the competition!

It was a great day, the 4th Kenjutsu Open.
It was a great battle between participants.
Some emerge victorious, some learn from their defeat. Others got disqualified. ><
Do not be sad to those who are from losing the battle, there is a point where you will fall but you will learn to get up again and be stronger. Look forward to the next battle as you know you will do better. You can always try again.

Anyway, here are our winners!
First off, for the Entry Level!

The ladies, in third place getting the bronze medal is Berenice Choong Si Ying!

In second place getting the silver medal is Regina Chong!

And in first place getting the gold medal is Jodie Pek Suak Ting!

Now for the guys!
In third place getting the bronze is Tan Jian Hong!

In second place getting the silver medal is Sum Zong Wei!

And in first place getting the gold medal is Tan Chia Chin!

Secondly will be the winners for the Intermediate level!

Ladies first, in third place getting bronze is Tan Yu Fang!

In second place getting silver is Inez Kwek Jing Lin!

And in first place getting the gold medal is Tan Ying Zhi!

Now for the guys!
In third place getting the bronze medal is Ryan Loh Jun Jie!

In second place getting the silver medal is Tan Fei Fan!

And in first place getting the gold medal is Marcus Sim Xin Wei!

That is all the prize winners! Congratulations to all of you!
And thanks everyone for coming and making it a fun day!
See you all on grading!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Indemnity form for competition

Please drop by FC3 printing area tomorrow (Tuesday) between 1 to 3pm to collect the indemnity form from us. Those who did not submit the form to us by Thursday 6pm will not be able to compete. For those who cannot make it tomorrow, please print a copy yourself. Those who are not able to submit the forms to us by 6pm in school on Thursday, please contact Yap Jun Liang (82221112), Marcus Sim Xin Wei (97219350) or Tan Yu Fang (93794903). The form is COMPULSORY. Failure to do so will prevent you from participating in the competition. When u have completed your forms, please drop it inside the cage in the Polycentre by Thursday!

P.S. For those who don’t know where the storage cage is, please contact one of the three names above.

Tan Yu Fang
SP Kenjutsu
Social & Welfare

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Competition RULES!

That's right SP Kenjutsu competition rules!
And I am about to tell you the rules...and regulations.

First off, Attire and Equipment!
-Only sports attire or Gi is allowed in the competition.
Of course those that you always wear during regular trainings.

-No footwear is allowed in competition.
This one I believe is pretty obvious.

-No accessories that may cause physical harm during training are allowed.
Examples are hairpins, rings and watches.
The same things you cannot wear during regular training.

-Only ActionFlex equipment is allowed in the competition.
That means the equipment you always use during regular training.
This also means no using of any other equipment, obviously.

-In any event the participant does not have their own proper equipment,
the equipment can be loan from the organisers.
This goes for intermediate level that might forget to bring their equipment,
and for entry level of course will be borrowing the equipment.

Secondly, General Rules! The rules on how to win...or lose.
-Each match is umpired by 3 referees.
For any decision to be finalised, 2 out of 3 referees mut agree.
This of course means 2 or more referees agree on the same thing.

-Each match consists of 5 bouts; each bout allows a maximum of 1 point.
Meaning after one person gets hit, the bout is over and move on to the next bout.

-Each bout will last a maximum of 2 minutes.
This means if no one gets hit after 2 minutes, the bout is over.
When the bout is over this way...well, you do not want it to end it this way.

-A point is given when any part of the blade strikes the opponent.
I do not want to elaborate about this...I somehow do not want people to understand this rule.

-Any hits made AFTER the first point given in a bout are not counted.
This means ONLY the first hit counts, provided the referees agree to it.
If you hit your opponent after he hits you, your hit is not counted.

-First player to score 3 points wins the match.
This one is pretty much straight forward.

-The referees' decision is final.
Which means no arguing with the referee about their decision.

Next up, Penalties and Disqualifications!
-Penalties are awarded in the following scenarios:
-Clash (Both players strike each other at the same time).
-Out of bounds (A player's feet is COMPLETELY outside the area of play).
You all know what a clash is and yes there is a boundary.

-For a clash, both players are awarded one penalty each.
The rule is pretty clear on this one.

-Any player to accumulate 2 penalties will be disqualified.
That's right, 2 penalties and you are out of the whole competition.

-In the event that both players received their second penalty simultaneously,
both players are diqualified regardless of accumulated points.
Also means if you clash twice in the same match, you are both out.
No matter how many points you have, even if you have more than your opponent.

-Throwing of the equipment or unsportsmanlike behaviour such as verbal or physical abuse will result in IMMEDIATE disqualification.
I am sure you all know what this means, though I believe none of you are sore losers or immature to do such things and get your self in trouble.

-In the event that a player does not show up for his/her match,
the opponent will be given a walk-over to the next match.
Meaning if you do not show up for your match,
you will lose without a fight and your opponent will win without a fight.

This next one will be the rules for Semi-Final and Final matches!
-All rules and regulations as stated above apply in the semi-final and final matches,
with the exception of those mentioned in this section.

-Both parties cannot be disqualified SIMULTANEOUSLY in semi-final and final matches.
Meaning if you clash twice, you will not be disqualified but...

-In the event that both players recieve their second penalty simultaneously,
the next point or penalty will determine the winner of the match. enter sudden death mode, one hit is all it takes.

The last section will be for those in intermediate level, Sports Kenjutsu Choken!
-All above mentioned sparring rules apply on top of the rules mentioned here,
unless otherwise stated.

-In this category, players are not allowed to attack with the Choken while holding it with only one hand. Doing so will result a penalty for the offender.
So always remember to hold the Choken with both hands!

-Hitting the legs in this category, where the legs is denoted as below the hip bone,
will NOT be counted as a point and the bout will carry on in such cases.
I believe we are all familiar with this, hitting legs does not count.

-Players may block the opponent's strike while holding the Choken with one hand.
Somehow I do not encourage that.

This is the mentioned Area of Play.
Check out the website for more info, link on the right side.
And of course, no kicking or punching, this is not unarmed combat.

Anyway, if you want more details on the competition, just ask any of the seniors!
All the best to all for the competition!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Competition coming up

I believe you all already know about this. Competition!
Most of us are of course looking forward to this, Especially those that will be in it for the first time. It is time to show what you have learn so far and apply it.

It is true that you spar at every training but this time the atmosphere will be different. It will only be you and your opponent in the field that is fighting and everyone else will be watching. You will feel the pressure. You do not want to lose but you are so scared that you do. It is just like in a real fight, you lose once you get hit. You will be trying your best to hit your enemy but at the same time try not to get hit. True that you do that during sparring also but you still do get hit and sometimes it does not bother you. As during competiton, they will be more pressure which actually brings up your concentration which plays an important role in your survival. So if you want to be prepared for competition, best way is to train more on your concentration. The best way for me is to use a kodachi against a choken. I realise my movement speed and concentration was higher than usual when I used the kodachi against a choken.

Okay I should be letting you know the details of the competition. Got sidetracked a bit. Competition exciting mah. So anyway competition date I believe all of you know already. It is on the 29th of October which is a Saturday. The venue will be where we always train which is the polycentre. The time given is 8am to 6.30pm so try not to be late. Hopefully a lot of people participate as this will be fun if there are even more people participating. Try your best and try not to lose concentration.

That is all and hopefully I did not miss anything out. Check out the other blog for details about the upcoming grading which is right after competition. ^^

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Watch and learn

It's true that we can actually learn by looking at what other people does.
I believe the seniors, or those in my batch saw my spar with our senior Bryan, I am not saying that I am good as I have lasted quite long with him. In fact, he was holding back a lot.
Although he was holding back, I saw that he was in a defensive position.
If you were observing him, you can see that he move back whenever I attack most of the time and he also do the one strike technique. The reason for the one strike technique is to attack and move back to defensive position as fast as possible. This is so that you have enough time to react when your enemy attacks. Another reason is that you might not be fast enough to do a second strike as your enemy might hit you first. Although that was not a reason for Bryan to do the one strike technique, he was just holding back. You can ask him for the reason why he did so.
Even though we have learn how to do two strikes, we still need to keep in mind that we must do what we can to survive, do not do a double strike if you are not confident as you might only end up being at the losing end.

It is a short post for today since I do not have much to say. See ya!
Always remember the basics.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Check out the blog

As written on the title, check out the blog.
You can send me email after if you want to or just comment either on the tagboard here or on the other blog under the comments section.
Oh and I don't think Yu Fang is going to post the story anymore as no one seems to be interested. Anyone who wants the story can get it from her.

Anyway, stuff to take note:

29 oct competition
5 nov grading

Be prepared!

Friday, September 9, 2011


Training venue is at T11 square for this Saturday's training. Same time.

Extra training is on every Wedsnesday from 10am to 12noon at the martial arts hall. If you are not sure where martial arts hall is do contact me.


Tan Yu Fang

Thursday, August 25, 2011

クリスタル戦争 1.1


Reminder that there won't be any training this Saturday. And oh, I'll be posting 1.1 and 1.2 here, depending on the number of people who actually bothered to read it, I might stop posting it here and just send you the story instead (if the numbers are really that low :/). This is rather.....disappointing haiz.... Oh well, story time! Once again, story not written by me yo.

Reone wakes up in a room unfamiliar to her. Disorientated and smelling of dried sweat, she tries in vain to remember what she was doing and how she could have possibly gotten here. A man walks in.

Man: Oh, your finally awake.

Reone: Um…

Man: We sure had a good time last night didn’t we, the way we kept going like that the whole time?

Reone gives a puzzled look.

Man: You don’t remember? You were fantastic! The way you moved your body, it seemed so experienced. I wouldn’t have thought it was your first time if you hadn’t told me. Had you not, I wouldn’t have gone so gently at the beginning. You’re definitely a natural!

Reone: (Huh? Don’t tell me I …)

Trying to hide the sudden wave of panic Reone tries to rack her memory for any fragment of what she might have been doing the night before. The man continues.

Man: You took all my advances so well, as though it felt really good for you! And on that last stroke when I thrust hard you let out such a cute moan *smiles*.

Reone: (Oh no… did I really do that…?)

Now in total desperation, Reone makes one last attempt to remember, but to no avail. Her hand subconsciously slips down her waist.

Man: You were so tired after that that you just fell asleep on the floor where you were right after we finished off. I had to carry you inside *grin*.

Reone: (Oh gawd… I did it outside?)

Man: I think we still have some time before I have some visitors, do you want to do it again?

Reone: (He wants to do it again…) Um…again?

Man: *laughs* What’s with the hesitation? You were practically begging to do it last night.

Reone: Uh…well…ok then…

Man: Alright then, I’ll go get the equipment.

The man gets up and goes into the next room.

Reone: (Equipment?!?!)

Reone’s mind races, in a matter of minutes she would be having unthinkable things done to her again, the best part being that she was still unable to recall what had been done the first time around. The man returns with some things hidden behind his back.

Man: Are you ready?

Reone nods.

Man: Great! Now here’s your fencing foil, and here’s my fencing foil. Now we need to remember to… hey, why are you facepalming yourself?


Cufi: Head Hunter Lukayn? Its Cufi Fanyu. You wanted to meet with us?

{bgm: }

Lukayn: Ah yes! Come on in. You’re a bit early though. [to Reone] I guess we’ll have to do it another time *smiles*…too bad.

The trio enters the Head Hunter’s office. The Head Hunter was a skinny man, but his mind and reflexes was razor sharp. Although several years older than any of the party, he could still be considered a child when compared to the commander of the Tri-alliance Military. It was his physical ability and mental cunning that helped him rise to the top of the Collective. Unlike Sey, who was the black sheep in weapon choice, Lukayn was the best photon fencer in the Collective. Usage of foils was rare, but there were at least another fifty others who were competing for that title.

Reiter remembers watching one of the recordings of the Head Hunter’s training runs. The Head Hunter had spent more time in the air flipping around and stabbing than with his feet touching the ground the entire time. He did so much damage to the training androids that Quartermaster Roon was complaining about repairs for two weeks. A smile crosses Reiter’s face as he remembers that last bit. The Head Hunter was however, infamous, or in his own words ‘fond’ of handing out last minute contracts to other hunters, perhaps his only flaw, thought Reiter.

Reiter had been expecting the Head Hunter to be alone, to be greeted by his pale but experienced exterior. What he had not been expecting was for Reone to be in the room as well. Reone was, to say the very least, a physical representation of stunning beauty. Her facial features were delicate, and she had the curves and assets that any normal man would fantasize over for weeks.

Reiter: Wow…

Sey: You’re…hot… *stares*

Reone: Excuse me?


{bgm: }

Sey: Aaahhh!

Cufi: Sey! What the heck are you staring at?!

Sey turns around, the back of his head is soaking wet.

Sey: Cufi, did you just hit me with a Hydrosac?!

Cufi: That wasn’t a Hydrosac. Now THIS is a Hydrosac.

A sphere of water three feet across materializes above Sey’s head.

Sey: Oh…um…heheh…

Lukayn: Hunter Fanyu, I would be very appreciative if you did not turn my office into a bathtub.

Cufi’s tone snaps into a more formal, restrained one.

Cufi: My apologies Head Hunter.

Sey: Head Hunter, you’ve been getting it on with such a beauty? That’s awesome! *grin*

Reone: Um…

Lukayn: I think I’ve changed my mind Fanyu, just don’t kill him.


Sey: Aaaaarrrrrggghhh!!! *blub*

{bgm: }

Lukayn: Now on to the more important issues. You three are here because I have a contract for you.

Sey: Well that’s pretty obvious.

Cufi: Shut up Sey.

Lukayn: Orbital sweeps by the Tri-alliance military have discovered a small pocket of land that has returned no information upon completion of the sweep. Although previous routine sweeps have found that very area to contain nothing of potential interest, someone or something seems to be currently jamming the surveillance of the area. It has already been confirmed that all the orbital equipment is working correctly. You’re task is very straightforward. Head over there, find out what’s causing it and if possible, reestablish orbital surveillance over the area. Any questions?

Sey: Why can’t the military do this on their own?

Lukayn: The military makes too much noise and they know that. Sending a unit in to investigate will cause too much commotion and draw the unwanted attention of the neighboring governments.

Sey: So you send the three of us? That’s like a difference of forty-seven people.

Lukayn: Forty-six actually. Reone here will be accompanying you. Her job will be to help you reestablish orbital surveillance should you happen to manage to get that far. Otherwise she will just be there for the ride. Treat her well.

Sey: You bet I will! *grins*

Cufi rolls her eyes in a fashion that makes Reiter want to laugh.

Reone: Reone Rhodes! Nice to meet all of you!

Lukayn: Oh yes, she’s also one heck of a first time fencer.

Remembering the awkward situation she was just in, Reone blushes deep red.

Reiter: One last question sir, where is this mission area supposed to be?

Lukayn: That’s right, I completely forgot. How typical of me. The location is somewhere along the coast of the Corssa continent to the south closest to us, the Holodisk should have the exact coordinates.

Reiter: The Crossa Continent? Why are we even bothering?

Lukayn: I know what you’re thinking. The Crossa continent isn’t under the jurisdiction of the Tri-alliance, or any nation or empire for that matter. However, that pocket of land is far too close to us should its contents prove to be hostile. I have it on good conscience that you will be thorough with this contract. Good luck.

The newly formed party leaves the Head Hunter’s office.

Reone: Oh, could we stop by the Armory? I need to pick up my surveillance equipment.

Sey: Hey has anyone ever had the thought that Head Hunter sounds a lot like Headhunter? I wonder if Head Hunter Lukayn has ever gone around decapitating his foes and hanging them on his wall or someth…


Sey: Hey! What did I do this time?!

Cufi: Hmph!

Reiter: Idiot.

Reone: *giggles*

Tan Yu Fang
Social & Welfare