That's right! Grading is this coming Saturday! Which is the 4th of June! Feeling nervous?
I'm nervous too. Hahaha. But we need to relax more, calm our minds. I know our Sensei said that he do not see any reason for us to fail our grading but.....we should not let that get to our heads and become over confident or complacent. And of course you all know that we should have confidence in our skills. So be confident but not over confident.
Anyway, the grading will be at Scape. I believe it starts at 2 pm so please do not be late. Try to reach there by 1.30 pm latest. Let us hope we will not face any problems this time. Anyone looking forward to the war game there?
That is it for now. ><
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Know your seniors! Part 1.
Hi there!
Starting from this week, we will be introducing around 5 green/brown belt seniors every week for those of you who want to know more about the seniors. Make use of the information here for sparring! ^^ Do take note that the seniors are not ranked accordingly (one of the contributing factors is whether I am able to find their individual shots without helmets on during training on facebook XD).
Let's start shall we?
First up we have.....
Name: Kith Chang
Description: He's our awesome club president, but don't bully him because of his bulliable face! We will come after you!
Accuracy - 8.0
>1 strike - 7.6
Fake - 7.0
Offense - 7.5
Counter - 8.1
Moving back - 7.8
Patience - 7.8
Block - 7.8
Ki-ai - 7.6
Defense - 7.8
Overall - 7.7
Moving on we have.....
Name: Ezan Ezamin
Description: His nickname must be censored. Beware of his long limbs, distancing is especially important when you spar with tall people like him. He's the webmaster of the club and he likes cats.....a lot.
Stats: Speed - 7.4
Strength - 8.3
Accuracy - 7.2
>1 strike - 6.8
Fake - 6.2
Offense - 7.2
Counter - 7.5
Moving back - 7.0
Patience - 7.0
Block - 7.0
Ki-ai - 6.6
Defense - 7.0
Overall - 7.1
Next up is.....
Name: Goh Zher Ee
Description: He's literally invisible and I think he blends into the background. :x A very unnoticeable and quiet guy unless you specifically look out for him. He tends to go defensive during sparring and waits for you to make the first attack. His level of patience is the highest in the club. Calm and collected, at the same time you don't know what is he thinking about.
Stats: Speed - 6.7
Strength - 7.1
Accuracy - 6.7
>1 strike - 6.8
Fake - 6.3
Offense - 6.7
Counter - 6.5
Moving back - 6.8
Patience - 9.3
Block - 6.9
Ki-ai - 6.1
Defense - 7.1
Overall - 6.9
Next to go is...
Name: Noor Muhamad Bin Noor Khalid
Description: An occasional cameraman of our club. He's one of the club's quater masters and likes to imitate Hilter (from a widely circulated video on youtube). His offensive and defensive skills are quite balanced. Tends to get agitated over certain matters (e.g. results and games and maybe when you piss him off). Has a somewhat loud ki ai.
Stats: Speed - 7.5
Strength - 8.4
Accuracy - 7.5
>1 strike - 7.5
Fake - 7.6
Offense - 7.7
Counter - 7.8
Moving back - 7.4
Patience - 6.6
Block - 7.6
Ki-ai - 8.8
Defense - 7.6
Overall - 7.7
For calculations, offense is the average of the 5 components (speed, strength, accuracy, >1 strike and faking of attacks) whereas for defense it is the average of counter, moving back, patience, block and ki ai. The ratings are from the range of 0 to 10. The statistics are collected from 5 seniors and then averaged out to ensure fairness.
DISCLAIMER: The description section is based on what I know about the seniors on a personal level. Do NOT blame me if you think I picked an unglam photo of you.
Proudly presented to you by
Tan Yu Fang
Social & Welfare
Starting from this week, we will be introducing around 5 green/brown belt seniors every week for those of you who want to know more about the seniors. Make use of the information here for sparring! ^^ Do take note that the seniors are not ranked accordingly (one of the contributing factors is whether I am able to find their individual shots without helmets on during training on facebook XD).
Let's start shall we?
First up we have.....

Description: He's our awesome club president, but don't bully him because of his bulliable face! We will come after you!
Speed - 7.4
Strength - 7.5Accuracy - 8.0
>1 strike - 7.6
Fake - 7.0
Offense - 7.5
Counter - 8.1
Moving back - 7.8
Patience - 7.8
Block - 7.8
Ki-ai - 7.6
Defense - 7.8
Overall - 7.7
Moving on we have.....

Description: His nickname must be censored. Beware of his long limbs, distancing is especially important when you spar with tall people like him. He's the webmaster of the club and he likes cats.....a lot.
Stats: Speed - 7.4
Strength - 8.3
Accuracy - 7.2
>1 strike - 6.8
Fake - 6.2
Offense - 7.2
Counter - 7.5
Moving back - 7.0
Patience - 7.0
Block - 7.0
Ki-ai - 6.6
Defense - 7.0
Overall - 7.1
Next up is.....

Description: He's literally invisible and I think he blends into the background. :x A very unnoticeable and quiet guy unless you specifically look out for him. He tends to go defensive during sparring and waits for you to make the first attack. His level of patience is the highest in the club. Calm and collected, at the same time you don't know what is he thinking about.
Stats: Speed - 6.7
Strength - 7.1
Accuracy - 6.7
>1 strike - 6.8
Fake - 6.3
Offense - 6.7
Counter - 6.5
Moving back - 6.8
Patience - 9.3
Block - 6.9
Ki-ai - 6.1
Defense - 7.1
Overall - 6.9
Next to go is...

Description: An occasional cameraman of our club. He's one of the club's quater masters and likes to imitate Hilter (from a widely circulated video on youtube). His offensive and defensive skills are quite balanced. Tends to get agitated over certain matters (e.g. results and games and maybe when you piss him off). Has a somewhat loud ki ai.
Stats: Speed - 7.5
Strength - 8.4
Accuracy - 7.5
>1 strike - 7.5
Fake - 7.6
Offense - 7.7
Counter - 7.8
Moving back - 7.4
Patience - 6.6
Block - 7.6
Ki-ai - 8.8
Defense - 7.6
Overall - 7.7
For calculations, offense is the average of the 5 components (speed, strength, accuracy, >1 strike and faking of attacks) whereas for defense it is the average of counter, moving back, patience, block and ki ai. The ratings are from the range of 0 to 10. The statistics are collected from 5 seniors and then averaged out to ensure fairness.
DISCLAIMER: The description section is based on what I know about the seniors on a personal level. Do NOT blame me if you think I picked an unglam photo of you.
Proudly presented to you by
Tan Yu Fang
Social & Welfare
Thursday, May 12, 2011
First training for the freshmen!
In the next photo, that is our usual Ashii warm up. We try to hit each others legs and try to avoid getting hit. The purpose is to actually get our blood running. We then move on to the normal warm up or stretching of our muscles. There are two types, static warm up and sword warm up. We either do one of them or both depending on what our Sensei wants us to do.
That is it for last training! Oh and we have a notice from our Sensei.
Training as usual on Saturday. I will consider this the third and also last trial session. =)
So if you're joining please make your decision this Saturday. Thank you. ^_^
See you on the next post!
Remember the order of the warm ups!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Always remember to do Warmup before training
Hello! ^^
Here's the sequence of warmups we do before training every week. Do check out this link if you want to watch the video and a more detailed explanation on how the warmup is done. ( Try not to rush through all the actions and don't overstretch.
Static warmup:
1. Head rotation
2. Arm swing
3. Chest expansion
4. Hip rotation
5. Hip twist
6. Torso stretch
7. Knee rotation
8. Inner thigh stretch
9. Half-split with ankle rotation
10. Hand and fingers stretch
Sword warmup: (done using a kodachi or chokken)
1. Sword rows
2. Sword raise and squat
3. 3-direction body bend
4. Around the world
5. Back bends (4 counts instead of 8)
6. Lunges
Do take note that there will be renovations going on at the Polycentre clubroom till July 2011 so we have to put up with the noise and dust until the completion of the renovation. :/ The hall is not affected so there will not be any changes to the training venue unless there are unforeseen circumstances. From now on, remember to have your attendance taken after every training session (look for Yu Fang to take your attendance). Remember to hydrate yourself during the training and if you find it too tough or unwell, stop immediately eh. ^^
Tan Yu Fang
SP Kenjutsu
Social & Welfare
Here's the sequence of warmups we do before training every week. Do check out this link if you want to watch the video and a more detailed explanation on how the warmup is done. ( Try not to rush through all the actions and don't overstretch.
Static warmup:
1. Head rotation
2. Arm swing
3. Chest expansion
4. Hip rotation
5. Hip twist
6. Torso stretch
7. Knee rotation
8. Inner thigh stretch
9. Half-split with ankle rotation
10. Hand and fingers stretch
Sword warmup: (done using a kodachi or chokken)
1. Sword rows
2. Sword raise and squat
3. 3-direction body bend
4. Around the world
5. Back bends (4 counts instead of 8)
6. Lunges
Do take note that there will be renovations going on at the Polycentre clubroom till July 2011 so we have to put up with the noise and dust until the completion of the renovation. :/ The hall is not affected so there will not be any changes to the training venue unless there are unforeseen circumstances. From now on, remember to have your attendance taken after every training session (look for Yu Fang to take your attendance). Remember to hydrate yourself during the training and if you find it too tough or unwell, stop immediately eh. ^^
Tan Yu Fang
SP Kenjutsu
Social & Welfare
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Missed the try out? You can still join us!
Hey all!
As you all know, our last training was the try out for the new members! The purpose of it is to let them have an experience of how our trainings are like. We had an issue with the training ground though. The polycentre was in a mess so we had to move to the sports hall. Adding on to that is we had time constrain as another group of people needed to use the sports hall so we had to cut the try out short. Sadly we could not do all that we have planned. We apologise to those that went through the rain to try and get to the polycentre but ended up going back to the sports hall.
Our next training will be at the polycentre though. For those that are still not sure how to get to the polycentre, it is above foodcourt 3. If you are inside foodcourt 3, you exit from the one that leads to foodcourt 5 or moberly. Not the exit near BurgerKing, from there you turn left up the stairs. You should then be able to see polycentre on your left. It is a big badminton court by the way. It may be close if you come early so you will have to wait outside. This does not mean you have to come late. It is always better to be early than late. Nothing wrong with waiting a few minutes right right?
Thanks for those who went through thick and thin like waking up early on Saturday morning to come for the try out! Arigato gosaimas~~~ And thanks for signing up also. Heee.
For those who could not make it for the try out, you can still come this Saturday! Do let us know that you could not make it for the try out though. Now all go YAY~~~........moving on, the training starts at 9.30. Just a reminder, although you can see it on the right side of this blog. >< Try not to be late. Remember to bring a bottle of water as it may be tiring and rest well the day before! Oh and check your email before sleeping on every Friday, there might be one or two sent from us and it could be important.
Wanted to post some pictures from the try out but could not find any, I need a cameraman. >.> Anyway, that's it for now! See ya in the next post! Or actually this Saturday. Heh heh.
Remember to cut your fingernails and toe nails the day before training! It is for your own safety. ^^
As you all know, our last training was the try out for the new members! The purpose of it is to let them have an experience of how our trainings are like. We had an issue with the training ground though. The polycentre was in a mess so we had to move to the sports hall. Adding on to that is we had time constrain as another group of people needed to use the sports hall so we had to cut the try out short. Sadly we could not do all that we have planned. We apologise to those that went through the rain to try and get to the polycentre but ended up going back to the sports hall.
Our next training will be at the polycentre though. For those that are still not sure how to get to the polycentre, it is above foodcourt 3. If you are inside foodcourt 3, you exit from the one that leads to foodcourt 5 or moberly. Not the exit near BurgerKing, from there you turn left up the stairs. You should then be able to see polycentre on your left. It is a big badminton court by the way. It may be close if you come early so you will have to wait outside. This does not mean you have to come late. It is always better to be early than late. Nothing wrong with waiting a few minutes right right?
Thanks for those who went through thick and thin like waking up early on Saturday morning to come for the try out! Arigato gosaimas~~~ And thanks for signing up also. Heee.
For those who could not make it for the try out, you can still come this Saturday! Do let us know that you could not make it for the try out though. Now all go YAY~~~........moving on, the training starts at 9.30. Just a reminder, although you can see it on the right side of this blog. >< Try not to be late. Remember to bring a bottle of water as it may be tiring and rest well the day before! Oh and check your email before sleeping on every Friday, there might be one or two sent from us and it could be important.
Wanted to post some pictures from the try out but could not find any, I need a cameraman. >.> Anyway, that's it for now! See ya in the next post! Or actually this Saturday. Heh heh.
Remember to cut your fingernails and toe nails the day before training! It is for your own safety. ^^
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