Thursday, July 7, 2011

Know your seniors! Part 5 (last post):

Hi hi!
This will be the last post for 'Know your seniors!'. Don't be sad, don't cry. I did TRY and find photos that are not unglam so don't complain green belts. :D After finishing this section, my laptop have all your individual shots and I've been feeling like a stalker, having to dig out photos of you on facebook and crop it if necessary. :/

Let's start with....
Name: Loh Jin
Description: One of the quiet guys. Like what I always say about sparring with tall people, beware of their long limbs. The distance he moves back is very large. The moving back of 'strike and move back' is quite good and happens immediately after the strike. The strike itself could be a bit faster though.
Offense: 6.5
Defense: 7.0
Overall: 6.7

Up next is...
Name: Inez Kwek
Description: She dosen't interact with the guys a lot so if your feeling sociable please please please do try to make friends with her and talk to her more. She needs to work on her ki ai.
Offense: 6.6
Defense: 6.9
Overall: 6.8

After her is.....
Name: Chow Sing
Description: He's the vice-president of the club, the same batch as Kith taichou. He uses WAY too much strength (wayyyyyy too much). The way he swings a bokken looks dangerous (so stay clear!). He leaves the rest of his body wide open after every swing and likes to give unrelated speeches/jokes at the spur of the moment.
Offense: 7.3
Defense: 8.4
Overall: 7.9

Coming up we have....
Name: Ong Zhi Loong
Description: He holds the same position in the committee as me, Social & Welfare. Known by some of us as Bulldrome (Monster Hunter) or Fishball of Evil or a more recent one would be Maxx. He uses a lot of force/strength. Occasionally stays back after class to spar. Can afford to take bigger steps back during sparring.
Offense: 7.0
Defense: 7.4
Overall: 7.2

Name: Tan Boon Sheng
Description: Our Ex-PT incharge. He's gi have 2 red strips along the shoulders (odd one out XD). His ki ai is one of the loudest for our batch (still lose to sensei though). He uses a little too much strength at times and usually stays back after class to spar around (when he actually did attend training).
Offense: 7.2
Defense: 7.2
Overall: 7.2

Last of the last on the list but not least...
Name: Rachel Chieh
Description: Our one and only left handed female! Her denfense and offense is pretty balanced even though the stats doesn't say so (ROUGH guide ok XD) and her ki ai could be louder.
Offense: 6.5
Defense: 7.2
Overall: 6.8

That's it! This concludes the 'Know your seniors' section. I would like to thank all of you for reading whatever I put up this past few weeks, I know my english isn't exactly fantastic. I appreciate all the feedbacks and help I've been receiving so a BIG THANK YOU to all those who helped me out. -bows- I know its kind of sad. -sniffs- Oh, on a side note, juniors do approach the seniors, interact with us more. Who knows, we might give you some useful tips. And seniors, do interact more with the juniors. ^_^ Last but not least, inform me if you are skipping training, it makes my job easier. XD

Tan Yu Fang
Social & Welfare

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