I shall start with...

Description: He's our dearest ex-president. Humble, flexible and calm. Beware of his attacks during sparring, he's good at faking his strikes. Observant and well-paced in sparring. He's the only one from his batch, which might explain why he's pretty good.
Offense: 8.0
Defense: 8.4
Overall: 8.2
Next would be....

Description: The other Project Coordinator of the club (the first one was mentioned in Part 2). Some of us like to call him Po, the Dragon Warrior (Kung Fu Panda). When you put him and Ezan (refer to part 1) together, they will do childish things to/with each other. His offense and defense is pretty much balanced and he's good at blocking.
Offense: 7.1
Defense: 7.0
Overall: 7.1
Coming up....

Description: Known as the Son of Poseidon (water heals his wounds). Probably the most innocent guy I ever met (I will not elaborate further on that). He likes to come up with new moves for sparring, making it hard to predict what moves he will use on you next. Very observant. Tends to have a blur/surprised look on his face.
Offense: 7.3
Defense: 7.1
Overall: 7.2
Next up...

Description: Another quiet and unassuming guy, he rarely gives his opinions on issues. Should interact more with the rest of the club. He's calm and not very naturally aggresive. Part of the design team.
Offense: 6.5
Defense: 6.9
Overall: 6.7
Lastly we have....

Description(this part is written by someone else ok!): Her nickname is Fishcube. She's 1 of the 2 holding the position Social & Welfare. She's incharge of taking the attendance and spamming emails regarding announcements from the club. One of the most friendly seniors, but tends to get bullied easily by others. Likes to talk to people and socialise, even to strangers. One of her weak points in sparring is her reaction speed.
Offense: 6.8
Denfense: 7.1
Overall: 6.9
That's all for this week. All the best for your MST everyone! ^^
Tan Yu Fang
Social & Welfare
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