Sunday, May 8, 2011

Always remember to do Warmup before training

Hello! ^^

Here's the sequence of warmups we do before training every week. Do check out this link if you want to watch the video and a more detailed explanation on how the warmup is done. ( Try not to rush through all the actions and don't overstretch.

Static warmup:
1. Head rotation
2. Arm swing
3. Chest expansion
4. Hip rotation
5. Hip twist
6. Torso stretch
7. Knee rotation
8. Inner thigh stretch
9. Half-split with ankle rotation
10. Hand and fingers stretch

Sword warmup: (done using a kodachi or chokken)
1. Sword rows
2. Sword raise and squat
3. 3-direction body bend
4. Around the world
5. Back bends (4 counts instead of 8)
6. Lunges

Do take note that there will be renovations going on at the Polycentre clubroom till July 2011 so we have to put up with the noise and dust until the completion of the renovation. :/ The hall is not affected so there will not be any changes to the training venue unless there are unforeseen circumstances. From now on, remember to have your attendance taken after every training session (look for Yu Fang to take your attendance). Remember to hydrate yourself during the training and if you find it too tough or unwell, stop immediately eh. ^^

Tan Yu Fang
SP Kenjutsu
Social & Welfare

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