Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Know your seniors! Part 1.

Hi there!

Starting from this week, we will be introducing around 5 green/brown belt seniors every week for those of you who want to know more about the seniors. Make use of the information here for sparring! ^^ Do take note that the seniors are not ranked accordingly (one of the contributing factors is whether I am able to find their individual shots without helmets on during training on facebook XD).

Let's start shall we?
First up we have.....

Name: Kith Chang
Description: He's our awesome club president, but don't bully him because of his bulliable face! We will come after you!

Speed - 7.4
Strength - 7.5
Accuracy - 8.0
>1 strike - 7.6
Fake - 7.0
Offense - 7.5

Counter - 8.1
Moving back - 7.8
Patience - 7.8
Block - 7.8
Ki-ai - 7.6
Defense - 7.8

Overall - 7.7

Moving on we have.....

Name: Ezan Ezamin
Description: His nickname must be censored. Beware of his long limbs, distancing is especially important when you spar with tall people like him. He's the webmaster of the club and he likes cats.....a lot.
Stats: Speed - 7.4
Strength - 8.3
Accuracy - 7.2
>1 strike - 6.8
Fake - 6.2
Offense - 7.2

Counter - 7.5
Moving back - 7.0
Patience - 7.0
Block - 7.0
Ki-ai - 6.6
Defense - 7.0

Overall - 7.1

Next up is.....

Name: Goh Zher Ee
Description: He's literally invisible and I think he blends into the background. :x A very unnoticeable and quiet guy unless you specifically look out for him. He tends to go defensive during sparring and waits for you to make the first attack. His level of patience is the highest in the club. Calm and collected, at the same time you don't know what is he thinking about.
Stats: Speed - 6.7
Strength - 7.1
Accuracy - 6.7
>1 strike - 6.8
Fake - 6.3
Offense - 6.7

Counter - 6.5
Moving back - 6.8
Patience - 9.3
Block - 6.9
Ki-ai - 6.1
Defense - 7.1

Overall - 6.9

Next to go is...

Name: Noor Muhamad Bin Noor Khalid
Description: An occasional cameraman of our club. He's one of the club's quater masters and likes to imitate Hilter (from a widely circulated video on youtube). His offensive and defensive skills are quite balanced. Tends to get agitated over certain matters (e.g. results and games and maybe when you piss him off). Has a somewhat loud ki ai.
Stats: Speed - 7.5
Strength - 8.4
Accuracy - 7.5
>1 strike - 7.5
Fake - 7.6
Offense - 7.7

Counter - 7.8
Moving back - 7.4
Patience - 6.6
Block - 7.6
Ki-ai - 8.8
Defense - 7.6

Overall - 7.7

For calculations, offense is the average of the 5 components (speed, strength, accuracy, >1 strike and faking of attacks) whereas for defense it is the average of counter, moving back, patience, block and ki ai. The ratings are from the range of 0 to 10. The statistics are collected from 5 seniors and then averaged out to ensure fairness.

DISCLAIMER: The description section is based on what I know about the seniors on a personal level. Do NOT blame me if you think I picked an unglam photo of you.

Proudly presented to you by
Tan Yu Fang
Social & Welfare

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