Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A few words about the competition

Can you see the face? Yes, the serious faces. This shows how serious the participant is during the match. I believe all of us were as serious or even more during the competition. I believe some of us trained very hard for this competition. We all came in with the mindset to win. As we enter the area of play, we feel nervous as we are afraid that we might lose.
After the match starts, we fight seriously with all our might trying to get a hit on the opponent. Some of us got it, some of us did not. It might be an unfortunate thing to some of you. Especially those that got disqualified. It is kind of sad when you realise you will not be able to fight with other people. I got disqualified too so I know how it feels. I felt terrible at first but I got better soon as I realise I clashed with someone who is pretty skilled in the art and so it was not so bad. As for those who lost, do not think it as you are not good in the art. Honestly, I do not think there is one person that is way better than the other in the same level(same belt). I believe it is just that you let your guard down for a split second, and that is when your opponent was able to hit you. I saw that happened during the competition. It is usually in that split second window when someone got hit.
Anyway, relating back to the picture. I know how it feels to lose even though you know you put in a lot of effort but do not feel so bad about it. Even in life experiences, I believe we all had times when we fall even though we tried so hard to accomplish something. We feel so frustrated when that happens but after that we learn to handle it and accept it. I am not saying that you can lose everytime and just accept it. Instead, take this loss as a learning point. Think back and try to remember what was the mistake you did that made you let your guard down. From there, learn and try to improve it! And if you feel that you did not get the chance to spar with a lot of people, You can always do it during normal training! This time, put on the serious mood like you did on competition. This will force your opponent to be serious too. This way you will definitely improve and of course try again next year! So do not feel bad about not winning okay?

Here are some more pictures!

Too close? Definitely.

Remember, distance!

And here are photos of the groups!

See you all on grading! ^^

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