Sunday, November 20, 2011


As you all know we had problems during the last training. I will not say what it is. And our master gave us a good and meaningful lecture. I believe you people learn a lot from it. We should also learn from that. As how our seniors, the alumni, have done before we should do the same. They struggled hard as you all were told and fought for the club, not physically fight though. As you all experienced, the problem we had was quite a major problem. We were giving in to them but I believe that is not going to happen anymore. The next time an issue rises, we fight for it. Just like our seniors, we do what we must. Not without thinking though. We do it with the intelligence that is gifted to us. Let me remind you a few things about what our master said. Once we give in to a person's demand, the person will keep trying again. In other words, if you are weak they will take advantage of you. It is like someone trying to step on a puddle of water that belongs to you. They will try slowly with one feet. If they succeed, they will put in the other feet. But if you were to speak up and say to the person when he was trying to put in his feet, he will walk away. And I said "say to the person", meaning saying firmly but try not to be rude. In other words, in an intelligent way. Not shout or hit the person with anything that is in your hands. Sorry if my example does not explain much but I believe you get the idea.

In a fight, do not get pushed back by your opponent. We teach you this in sparring.
Let's hope we can do better next time. ^^

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