Sunday, March 10, 2013

2013 committee says "HI!"

Dear Diar... oops, wrong audience!

Time flies, and a year has passed since my batch first tried out kenjutsu in the Sports Hall (which is no longer there). We have sweat and bled (I'm looking at you, Crystal) much through the past year as we underwent our journey from fresh new greenhorns who knew nothing about wielding swords to... slightly less fresh greenhorns who will at least not kill ourselves with our own blades. At least, I hope so.

Our seniors and instructors have taught us much, and opened our eyes to many new experiences (including but not limited to getting absolutely destroyed by them in spars, repeatedly). It is not just the way of the sword that they have passed down to us; they have given us many life lessons and gems of wisdom as well.

Of which includes one on the issue of responsibility and of putting ourselves forward to take up that responsibility. Our seniors, awesome as they are, are moving on. They have done their part for our club, and a splendid job they have done. While we may wish some of them to remain forever, time flows. The Year 2s are now Year 3s, and most of the Year 3s are soon to be bald.

We even witnessed the passing of the torch from sensei Zack to sensei Brad for SP.

It's our turn now. Our turn to give back to the club as it has given to us. Our turn to support the club and help it to continue being awesome. Our turn to be seniors to the next batch of fresh new greenhorns coming in a few months. Our turn to take up responsibility.

Ladies (what few there are) and Gentlemen, I present to you the committee of 2013!

President: Sum Zong Wei

Vice President(s): Leon Lim

Secretary: Tay Ei Fong

Treasurer: Lim Hui Xian

Social And Welfare: Bryan Neo

Quarter Master(s):
Justin Francis Wong and Wei Kian

Project Coordinator(s): Crystal Lim and Muhammad Amirul

Kenji Choo

...and we say HI! :D

The Amazing Dogman
SPKC Webmaster 2013

p.s. Andy, your role in the club will never be replaced. Ever. We love you.

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