Monday, April 1, 2013

The Mock Competition! (suggest names please)

It suddenly occurred to me that I forgot to include something in last week's post! I must have somehow gotten infected by Yu Fang's fishy memory :P

So, without further ado...

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Let us welcome our newest official Intermediate-level practitioners, Darren and Issac! They have successfully taken the first step in the learning journey of our art!

As most of us know, the advancement from white belt to red belt is very significant in our art. It is the change from a short sword to a long sword. The change from one hand to two hands. It is the donning of our gi. It is the very first measure of our progress, and the mark of our serious interest in our art. Congratulations, Darren and Issac!

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 Mock Competitions Official Announcement!

Most of you should have seen the poll I put up on our facebook page about this, but regardless I'll state it again for official purposes!

Some time back, I asked people for ideas and suggestions for this blog, and one Bryan Neo gave me one for a self-organized tournament. The idea behind it being that we can use more competition experience. I took the idea and developed it, and after much planning and tinkering and a meeting with the council... I am proud to announce that the higher ups have approved it! We will soon be having mock competitions!

Currently it is still in the planning stage, but hopes are quite high that it will be ready within a month! The organizing team will be quite busy the next couple of weeks, for certain. Mostly, we will be going around recruiting people to do this and that (more manpower = less work for me :3), so please don't walk away if I ask to speak with you! It's not some secret love confession, there's no need to be scared~

Anyway, some basic information on the mock competitions! It will be completely free of charge for participants, and have outstanding prizes such as pride, a sense of accomplishment, and bragging rights! Yeah, all you get is experience. Really, that should be more than enough, so deal with it. Of course, if anyone is willing to sponsor prizes, do feel free to talk to me! :D

That's all I'm saying on this for now. Everything else is still in planning and may be changed, so there's not much point in posting right now. I will have an entire post up for it when it's ready, with all the itty bitty details that most people just glance over anyway.

On a final note, I am requesting for name ideas. Calling it mock competition all the time just doesn't quite have a zing to it, no? No offense to Master Dav, but I am NOT calling it the Kenji Competition! >.<

I will give a cookie to whoever suggests an Uber Awesome Epically Cool name that I choose to use! :D

The Bark Knight
SPKC Webmaster 2013

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