Monday, June 3, 2013

Friendly Information for Sake of Health


"Surprise! I'm back!" - Jax, The Six-eyed Mutant Thing

Yo! Been awhile, hasn't it, peeps? Due to this and that and bananas and bagels, I haven't updated in a reeeeal long time. Still, better late than never I suppose! Now you peeps get to bask in my glorious sense of humor once more!

First off, here be the mandatory standard welcome for all the fresh blood that's come to join our lil' madhouse of a family:

Welcome. I get on with the entirely optional, and often discouraged, Kenji-style welcome for all the same:

You guys and gals have no idea what you're getting into. Pray to the powers that be for your continued sanity and well-being. Seriously.

With that done, time for some actual content! See, since it's a new year and all and with the coming of fresh blood, I figure it'll be good manners to not leave all you poor, confused lil' Lemmings to flounder about like fish out of water. So this one is dedicated for all you new guys and girls and I wish you all a joyful adaptation to the club's brand of insanity, or at the very least a quick and merciful death!

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Things You Really Need To Know ASAP

1. Respect everyone

...and I really do mean everyone. Respect the masters if you see them. Respect the sensei(s) who teach you. Respect the seniors guiding you. Respect your fellow practitioners. This serves two purposes. The first is to maintain the martial discipline of our art and unite us under one family and all the pretty-sounding stuff. The second, which is far easier to directly relate to, is that most of us have been trained longer than you and in some cases are teaching/guiding you; in the interests of your personal health, you really shouldn't give us any reason to not be happy with you and completely unintentionally forget to hold back, don'tcha agree? Don't worry though, we're all good people! <3 <3 ...mostly.

2. Respect everything

Being, everything involved in our training; I don't much care if you decide to start lambasting your shoe, for example. Respect the grounds on which we train; we have a highly-recommended custom (read: Just do it.) of bowing to the training area whenever we arrive for training and whenever we leave after. Respect the equipment; I'll expand on this later.

3. Respect the art

Everything we do, we do for a reason. Reasons which we are more than willing to tell you if you ask, and we do strongly encourage you to ask. Our art isn't simply just going through the motions of swinging a sword, y'know! Anything that you are unsure about, just ask. Understand and respect that with each swing of your equipment, it is with the intention of a cut with a real sword; it's supposed to be lethal. Do not take it to be a pillow fight. Do not take cutting and getting cut lightly. Kenjutsu is the art of the sword, not the art of the foam sticks.

4. Respect everyone's safety

Listen to our warnings and heed all the stuff that we tell you to not do. We don't say them for craps and giggles. We say them because otherwise people may get hurt, quite possibly you. Do not intentionally endanger anyone with any action, and keep minimal unintentional endangerment of anyone with any action. Stuff like cutting your nails and not wearing accessories may seem redundant to you now, but you'll be regretting it soon enough.

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The DOs and DON'Ts of Equipment Handling

  1. DO respect the equipment
  2. DO keep the equipment clean
  3. DO replace the equipment neatly after usage
  4. DO use the equipment properly, in the way they are supposed to be used
  5. DO wipe the helmets after usage
  1. DO NOT disrespect the equipment
  2. DO NOT dirty the equipment
  3. DO NOT place the equipment under your armpits or between your legs
  4. DO NOT misplace the equipment
  5. DO NOT throw the equipment
  6. DO NOT damage the equipment
  7. DO NOT perform the forbidden techniques with the equipment
  8. DO NOT scold the equipment and hurt their feelings
  9. DO NOT use the equipment as tools to act out your unspeakable fantasies
  10. DO NOT pass the equipment to Hui Xian when she is trying to hurt me

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Well, that's all for this morning. It's 3:08am and I'm supposed to be up at 7:00am. I'll include anything I missed out in the next post, so do stay tuned!

God's Gift to Dogkind
SPKC Webmaster 2013

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