Thursday, August 25, 2011

クリスタル戦争 1.1


Reminder that there won't be any training this Saturday. And oh, I'll be posting 1.1 and 1.2 here, depending on the number of people who actually bothered to read it, I might stop posting it here and just send you the story instead (if the numbers are really that low :/). This is rather.....disappointing haiz.... Oh well, story time! Once again, story not written by me yo.

Reone wakes up in a room unfamiliar to her. Disorientated and smelling of dried sweat, she tries in vain to remember what she was doing and how she could have possibly gotten here. A man walks in.

Man: Oh, your finally awake.

Reone: Um…

Man: We sure had a good time last night didn’t we, the way we kept going like that the whole time?

Reone gives a puzzled look.

Man: You don’t remember? You were fantastic! The way you moved your body, it seemed so experienced. I wouldn’t have thought it was your first time if you hadn’t told me. Had you not, I wouldn’t have gone so gently at the beginning. You’re definitely a natural!

Reone: (Huh? Don’t tell me I …)

Trying to hide the sudden wave of panic Reone tries to rack her memory for any fragment of what she might have been doing the night before. The man continues.

Man: You took all my advances so well, as though it felt really good for you! And on that last stroke when I thrust hard you let out such a cute moan *smiles*.

Reone: (Oh no… did I really do that…?)

Now in total desperation, Reone makes one last attempt to remember, but to no avail. Her hand subconsciously slips down her waist.

Man: You were so tired after that that you just fell asleep on the floor where you were right after we finished off. I had to carry you inside *grin*.

Reone: (Oh gawd… I did it outside?)

Man: I think we still have some time before I have some visitors, do you want to do it again?

Reone: (He wants to do it again…) Um…again?

Man: *laughs* What’s with the hesitation? You were practically begging to do it last night.

Reone: Uh…well…ok then…

Man: Alright then, I’ll go get the equipment.

The man gets up and goes into the next room.

Reone: (Equipment?!?!)

Reone’s mind races, in a matter of minutes she would be having unthinkable things done to her again, the best part being that she was still unable to recall what had been done the first time around. The man returns with some things hidden behind his back.

Man: Are you ready?

Reone nods.

Man: Great! Now here’s your fencing foil, and here’s my fencing foil. Now we need to remember to… hey, why are you facepalming yourself?


Cufi: Head Hunter Lukayn? Its Cufi Fanyu. You wanted to meet with us?

{bgm: }

Lukayn: Ah yes! Come on in. You’re a bit early though. [to Reone] I guess we’ll have to do it another time *smiles*…too bad.

The trio enters the Head Hunter’s office. The Head Hunter was a skinny man, but his mind and reflexes was razor sharp. Although several years older than any of the party, he could still be considered a child when compared to the commander of the Tri-alliance Military. It was his physical ability and mental cunning that helped him rise to the top of the Collective. Unlike Sey, who was the black sheep in weapon choice, Lukayn was the best photon fencer in the Collective. Usage of foils was rare, but there were at least another fifty others who were competing for that title.

Reiter remembers watching one of the recordings of the Head Hunter’s training runs. The Head Hunter had spent more time in the air flipping around and stabbing than with his feet touching the ground the entire time. He did so much damage to the training androids that Quartermaster Roon was complaining about repairs for two weeks. A smile crosses Reiter’s face as he remembers that last bit. The Head Hunter was however, infamous, or in his own words ‘fond’ of handing out last minute contracts to other hunters, perhaps his only flaw, thought Reiter.

Reiter had been expecting the Head Hunter to be alone, to be greeted by his pale but experienced exterior. What he had not been expecting was for Reone to be in the room as well. Reone was, to say the very least, a physical representation of stunning beauty. Her facial features were delicate, and she had the curves and assets that any normal man would fantasize over for weeks.

Reiter: Wow…

Sey: You’re…hot… *stares*

Reone: Excuse me?


{bgm: }

Sey: Aaahhh!

Cufi: Sey! What the heck are you staring at?!

Sey turns around, the back of his head is soaking wet.

Sey: Cufi, did you just hit me with a Hydrosac?!

Cufi: That wasn’t a Hydrosac. Now THIS is a Hydrosac.

A sphere of water three feet across materializes above Sey’s head.

Sey: Oh…um…heheh…

Lukayn: Hunter Fanyu, I would be very appreciative if you did not turn my office into a bathtub.

Cufi’s tone snaps into a more formal, restrained one.

Cufi: My apologies Head Hunter.

Sey: Head Hunter, you’ve been getting it on with such a beauty? That’s awesome! *grin*

Reone: Um…

Lukayn: I think I’ve changed my mind Fanyu, just don’t kill him.


Sey: Aaaaarrrrrggghhh!!! *blub*

{bgm: }

Lukayn: Now on to the more important issues. You three are here because I have a contract for you.

Sey: Well that’s pretty obvious.

Cufi: Shut up Sey.

Lukayn: Orbital sweeps by the Tri-alliance military have discovered a small pocket of land that has returned no information upon completion of the sweep. Although previous routine sweeps have found that very area to contain nothing of potential interest, someone or something seems to be currently jamming the surveillance of the area. It has already been confirmed that all the orbital equipment is working correctly. You’re task is very straightforward. Head over there, find out what’s causing it and if possible, reestablish orbital surveillance over the area. Any questions?

Sey: Why can’t the military do this on their own?

Lukayn: The military makes too much noise and they know that. Sending a unit in to investigate will cause too much commotion and draw the unwanted attention of the neighboring governments.

Sey: So you send the three of us? That’s like a difference of forty-seven people.

Lukayn: Forty-six actually. Reone here will be accompanying you. Her job will be to help you reestablish orbital surveillance should you happen to manage to get that far. Otherwise she will just be there for the ride. Treat her well.

Sey: You bet I will! *grins*

Cufi rolls her eyes in a fashion that makes Reiter want to laugh.

Reone: Reone Rhodes! Nice to meet all of you!

Lukayn: Oh yes, she’s also one heck of a first time fencer.

Remembering the awkward situation she was just in, Reone blushes deep red.

Reiter: One last question sir, where is this mission area supposed to be?

Lukayn: That’s right, I completely forgot. How typical of me. The location is somewhere along the coast of the Corssa continent to the south closest to us, the Holodisk should have the exact coordinates.

Reiter: The Crossa Continent? Why are we even bothering?

Lukayn: I know what you’re thinking. The Crossa continent isn’t under the jurisdiction of the Tri-alliance, or any nation or empire for that matter. However, that pocket of land is far too close to us should its contents prove to be hostile. I have it on good conscience that you will be thorough with this contract. Good luck.

The newly formed party leaves the Head Hunter’s office.

Reone: Oh, could we stop by the Armory? I need to pick up my surveillance equipment.

Sey: Hey has anyone ever had the thought that Head Hunter sounds a lot like Headhunter? I wonder if Head Hunter Lukayn has ever gone around decapitating his foes and hanging them on his wall or someth…


Sey: Hey! What did I do this time?!

Cufi: Hmph!

Reiter: Idiot.

Reone: *giggles*

Tan Yu Fang
Social & Welfare

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