Thursday, August 11, 2011

クリスタル戦争 - Prologue

Sup everyone.

Before I start on anything, here's a reminder that there will NOT be any training starting from this week. We cannot have any training between 8/8/11 to 2/9/11 due to the examinations so do take note! And please complete the form if you have not done so, the link is a few posts down.

This is something new, I'll be updating every week so do give me your support. ^^ Another thing that I want to highlight is that......THIS STORY IS NOT WRITTEN BY ME.

P.S. Author’s notes: at some point the story will indicate some bgm eg. {bgm: (some youtube link)} . This is to hopefully boost the overall feel of the story as you read it. It is recommended that you have it playing and on loop before reading further into the story. Enjoy!


The dome was quiet; the towers of scrap metal surrounding formed what would be the only landscape feature of an otherwise openly barren flatland. The approaching of dusk served no other purpose than to launch the pitiful excuse for an ecosystem into further depression.


Few ever visited the dome. There was no need to. No life, no economic benefits, no historical value.

[Heavy breathing]

The area around the dome was a graveyard for machines that were out of service, civilian and military alike. Over the course of years, these metal stalactites would grow higher and higher. One could say that the shape and height of one of those steel towers represented the current endeavors of the living over the course of a year, perhaps.


Yet on this special day, the dome has been graced by the arrival of two.

[More running]

These two do not exchange any words, for they seem to be focused on a single purpose. The boy and young woman take turns to look back, only to see the shadows of their pursuers, backed by the immensely massive dark shape floating high above.


They run. Their pursuers seem to be gaining, tireless beings with the purpose of recapturing the two escapees, while the human weaknesses of the pair seem to be taking its toll on their bodies.


The boy trips and the woman turns to help, just in time to see a black object whiz past the side of her eye. It makes a whistling sound, the same kind when an object slices through the air at high speeds. For an instant, her attention is off that of their pursuers, instead tracking the flying object. The object flies on, but suddenly makes an abrupt U-turn as though homing in on their position. She panics; tries to help the boy onto his feet, but her own legs give way. The black object whizzes straight towards them, making that terrifying whistling sound. And then…



Reiter: (…)

Reiter: (…where am I? … and why is it so dark?)

Female voice: …ter.

Reiter: (Hmm?)

Female voice: Re… get…up… eady.

Reiter: (Oh, I must be asleep or something… well time to wake up I suppose)

Male voice: Oi…Reiter!

Reiter: (Now how do I go about waking up? … its so hard to get up when you’re tired sometimes)

Female voice: Ah! Wait! No…!

{bgm: }

Reiter sheepishly opens his eyes to be greeted by the half pissed face of Cufi Fanyu, only to be rudely awoken by the cold and liquid splash of…

Reiter: …Orange juice!?

Man: Well it was the only thing cold and fluid I could find in this whole sick ward. I could have asked Cufi to hit you with one of her Hydrosacs, would you have preferred that?

He gestures over to Cufi, who despite standing inches away from me just seconds ago, is unsurprisingly completely un-juiced. Cufi was a Water Craymer, like those elemental Craymers you would find at the Craymel Academies of Blizzhaven, though the element of water was used perhaps exclusively by the inhabitants of Hydrocity, her place of birth. She was of small stature, her short hair and glasses in combination with her own facial features gave her an almost indescribable aura of cuteness.

The man tosses Reiter a towel.

Man: Go dry yourself up and get changed. The Head Hunter wants to see us.

The man’s name was Sey. A hunter just like Reiter working with the Tri-alliance Collective. He was around the same age as Reiter, and was an idiot, most of the time. Only when things got serious did he shape up. At least that was the impression Reiter had, and Sey had not done anything yet that had proven otherwise.

Reiter pulls a curtain and begins stripping. The ward’s atmosphere was so comforting and stress free, nothing like the rest of the outside world. Many a time Reiter would find himself not wanting to leave this little safe zone.

Reiter: The Head Hunter? What does he want with us?

Sey: Heck if I know, I just heard he wanted to speak with the party.

A slight giddiness embraces Reiter.

Reiter: Ugh… how’d I end up in here anyway?

Cufi: You don’t remember? We were doing a training round when you seemed to lose focus and your returner smacked you straight in your face.

Reiter: That would explain this splitting headache.

Cufi: That’s what happens when you don’t sleep regular hours.

Sey: A good thing the Photon blades weren’t activated or you would probably be headless right now.

Reiter: Yeah yeah…

Done with his changing act, Reiter pulls back the curtain.

Sey: That’s why I stick with the conventional photonic firearms. They don’t turn on you with a vengeance.

Sey grins.

Sey: You’ve got the best PP (photon pistol) user in the collective on your team yo!

Retier: I’ve got the ONLY PP user in the collective in my team. Care to explain that?

Sey: Aw come on… you know close combat has never been my thing.

Reiter: Then why no join up with the Tri-alliance military? Their full of rifles guns and the like.

Sey: Well… regimentation has never been my thing either.

Reiter: You’re so full of shit *laughs*

Cufi: *ahem* And while the two of you are crapping away, I’m here feeling awkward. Let’s go already!

{bgm: }

Walking along the corridors and looking out the windows, Reiter was greeted with the familiar sight and sounds of Neon City. Despite the familiarity, Reiter could not help but marvel at the beauty and greenery of the city and that of the floating island. Memories, both fond and unwelcome, flowed through his thoughts as he made his way to the Head Hunter’s office.

Neon City was one of the three entities that made up the Tri-alliance. Situated atop The Floating Island, an island floating literally several miles above the surface of the ocean, Neon City acted as the middleman for the other two cities of the Tri-alliance. Hydrocity, situated at the bottom of the ocean directly underneath The Floating Island, and Ilysion, a city floating hundreds of miles above Neon City. Though each city had separate governments, the three, being situated so close to each other, had come together to form the Tri-alliance. Three most welcome byproducts had emerged through this alliance, the Tri-alliance military, the Tri-alliance Collective, which was a group consisting of doing mainly mercenary work though less regimental than the military, and the Ilysion Tower, the physical link that connected the three cities to one another through means of a series of large elevators. The world around the three had been peaceful.

{bgm: }

Reiter remembers the vision. The escape from the holding area. The running. The feeling of being chased through the seemingly endless expanse of the dome. Those things. And the woman, though not her face. Who was she? Who was the boy? Reiter does not remember clearly.

Reiter: (What is with that dream… there isn’t any link to it at all)

Reiter: (I remember my childhood very clearly, and it was never like that)

Reiter: (Who are they?)

Reiter: (How… weird…)

{bgm: cut all bgm}

Author’s notes: end of prologue


Tan Yu Fang
Social & Welfare

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